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jbarrett5 book reviews, etc

I read a lot and post my reviews
Romance: Trouble (Bad Boy Alpha Male New Adult Romance) (Contemporary Romantic Standalone Comedy Short Stories) - Olivia Myers

Trouble by Olivia Myers
Was invited to read this and post reviews and looked at the synopsis and thought it'd be a good fit for the books I do read.
Starts out with Duke who runs his own bar, Shotguns. Alexi walks in surveying the place and heads to the bar where Duke is. She wants the job of waitress.
She is trying to prove that she can complete college and not use any of her daddy's money. The story is fast paced and colorful and imaginative with what they have.
There are physical attractions to one another and we learn of Duke's story and about the business.  Liked learning about rock climbing and some new words, which I look up to make sure I fully understand them.
Steamy hot sex scene but neither of them want to do a repeat. Lexi is a business major and he just may have the solution of his problems. With such detailed descriptions you can play the scenes in your head, as if you were right there. Free book at the end of this.
Another book is included: along with an excerpt of yet another book.
“Pleasure In The Stars” by Olivia Myers.
This story is about a trip 3 women take to another planet. for pleasure. Everything pleasurable is at their fingertips.
Men from all over, even aliens are there to experience pleasure. The women work at a travel agency and Nat has never traveled.
Maybe the other women can teach her how to relax and enjoy herself. Hot and steamy!
Would've rated these a 5 if the books were longer.
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.