Bittersweet by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore
The two woman meet when they are rooming together in college. Abby takes it upon herself to help out Maybelle and invites her to her home.
When you become a certain age the family allows you to pick a cottage and it's up to you to prove you can make it liveable. With all the servants May can't understand why because of how she grew up.
We are able to meet Jennifer's sisters and brothers and rest of the family. May feels so privileged to be given this opportunity to bump elbows with royalty.
Loved hearing how the other side lives and how May is able to unearth all kinds of information about the family compound and how it all came about, to preserve itself for the family to yet be born.
Blood money and how it plays a part in this book, interesting.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).