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Cinnamon Roll Murder

Cinnamon Roll Murder - Joanne Fluke Cinnamon Roll Murder by Joanne Fluke
Hannah and her sister Michele are on their way to Lake Eden Inn to deliver cinnamon rolls for the group performing there, called the Cinnamon Roll Six Jazz Band, when they skid on the icy roads.
They turn off ahead of time and take another road but discover that the bus with the
singers has flipped over and the emergency vehicles are on their way. She hopes to help
by approaching the bus. Hannah helps to bring the band members into the hospital and meets with her
mother who's now a leader in the Rainbow Ladies. They get food and drinks for the band
members and the rolls are to be given to those who are being brought in due to the multiple
vehicle crashes. At the hospital her mom tells her of the dead body. Hannah saw the driver and grabbed his pill container. She never thought a person could die from a fractured wrist but he was dead now.
Hannah and Michelle go back to Hannah's condo and get questioned by Lonnie and Mike separately til the cat crazy hour happens.
Hannah has Norman's cat there also because his new wife to be is allergic to cats. Hannah can never decide whether to marry Mike or Norman so dates them both and both are happy with the arrangement. Mike and Hannah do agree that Doc Bev is not all she seems and
is all wrong for Norman.
Hannah and others have the murder to solve, find out who the bio dad is of Diana (Doc Bev's daughter) before the wedding, find out who the second victim is. Lisa and Herb got a new puppy out of it as he was the drivers puppy and will be spending time at the Cookie Jar.
The sisters went shopping and bought all kinds of things to keep the puppy happy while they baked.
Love the recipes for not only cookies, throughout the book!