Blackbeard's Treasure by Lizzy Stevens
What first attracted me to want to read this is the word treasure. Love a mystery and knew this would be one.
Remember reading some of Lizzy's other books and loved that she got to the point of the matter, weaving a tale that kept you interested throughout the book. This was one of her best romance and mystery ones to date.
Starts out with Cassie who is attempting to clean out her grandfather's house in Missouri and has to go through boxes of things he had inherited when he bought the house. Piles of boxes from floor to ceiling. I can just imagine the treats there. She did find a journal and takes it and her helped Levi back to San Diego for a week so she can check on her diving school and her condo on the beach.
The journal speaks of Edward Teach and how he had passed away and left her mother a treasure. Cassie didn't know the connection between that name and the pirate Blackbeard til Levi brought it up while helping her sort through boxes.
Just when the clues are all adding up and they are about to discover more things a medical emergency happens putting a halt to all those plans. Some unspoken things are finally said between the two so they know where they stand...
Love all the instructions and time spent in the water diving.
Very detailed descriptions and just the words used make this an excellent read, one that takes you to unexplored places...