The Accidental Bride by Christina Skye
ISBN: 9780373776597
Jilly O'Hara runs her own restaurant and is very happy with the progress it's made since she opened its doors.
Caro MacNeal and Grace Lindstrom were worried as they'd not heard from Jilly in some time. They were in the knitting shop on Summer Island, Oregon.
They were restoring an old house to bring it back to its glory as an old landmark on the island.
After Jilly has a heart emergency and is told to take things easy, no more cooking, her 3 best friends set up a cooking retreat for her in Wyoming.
Problem is things are not what they seem...
At the small airport she met a man, Walker Hale and his service dog, Winslow but he was difficult to get much out of their conversation.
She is quite taken with him and his dog and learns how the town has never forgotten the hero he is although he was never given a parade or any other recognition for saving many lives.
She is starting to knit now and accepts dinner from Walker and as things get heated he gets many phone calls about the trip he's taking in the morning but she hears things that make it sound dire, so desperate he has to leave that night. She has agreed to watch the dog til he gets back...
It's suggested to raise the morale of the owner of the retreat that they get married...
He's kept a lot of secrets from her and she's kept many from him and they all come out eventually and it's interesting to see how they handle the truth...
Love the knitting and the references to their relationship with one another.
A series where the other woman have their own story, super! Many references to everything taught in this book are noted at the back.
Can't wait to get the rest of the series.