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jbarrett5 book reviews, etc

I read a lot and post my reviews

Let it Snow! Season's Readings for a Super-Cool Yule!

Let it Snow! Season's Readings for a Super-Cool Yule! - Marian Allen, T. Lee Harris, Jessica McHugh, Mercedes M. Yardley, Jack Wallen, Claudia Lefeve, Axel Howerton, Red Tash, Tim Tash, C.L. Roberts-Huth Let it Snow! Season's Readings for a Super-Cool Yule!
I selected this book because of the pretty tree cover and it's still around the holidays and in the northeast we've had two snow events so far.
There are 10 stories in this book, quite far from normal I've been told...
Excellent way to learn and read what a new author to you has written and links to get to their other works...
A Laurents County Landfill Christmas, by Red Tash
Faes and pixies and other creatures have decorated the manse as it's Christmas and it lights up the sky. The gift her dad had given for her was taken by a boy.
The Wizard appears . More details at the end of the story...
Silent Night, the holiday viral sensation by Jack Wallen
A new evolution of mankind among the zombie and humans at Christmas
Crazed in Christmas City, A party you'll never forget   by Jessica McHugh
Avery was locked up in the insane prison and claimed it was another who had killed the two men.
She wanted one visitor this Christmas ...
A Manlove & Kickerdick Xmess, Ain't no messin' with these backdoor Santas   by Axel Howerton
Two security guards for the senator and he's taking his son to get initiated with a woman.
The Snow Wolf's Gift Fit for a dragon, a mage, or a king?   by Tim Tash
Shape shifter that heals others at the winter solstice, fairies, dragons...
A Serial Killer Christmas A party for one?   By Mercedes Yardley
Christmas party and two serial killers...
Old Mexia Christmas Brew It's the end of the Mayan World as we know it...   by Claudia Lefeve
HE asks her out and she wants to go back in time to Christmas, 2012. Lots of beer for the next day the world would end..
The Pratty Who Saved Chrissmuss With a name like “Plugugly,” it's gotta be good.   by Marian Allen
Similar to Dickens and the true meaning of Christmas.
Believe Do you believe? by Connie L. Roberts-Huth
Dectective who can talk to the dead to help solve the murders...
Hau'oli Hanukkah When Mele kalikimaka just won't do.   By T. Lee Harris
archaeological findings and Christmas