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jbarrett5 book reviews, etc

I read a lot and post my reviews

Perfect Timing

Perfect Timing - Catherine Anderson Perfect Timing by Catherine Anderson
Harrigan family novel, this one stars Quincy and he along with the family is praying for Loni that they will find the right antibiotic to cure her leukemia.
After he finds an intruder, Cerra in the arena and has her arrested, his father Frank comes up with the family bible that does show what the woman had said-was true. The woman dressed in very old 1500 fashion and language told him what a perfect timing her being there is...
Loni sees visions and she'd know if the woman was a real druid or a fake.
Kind of funny to hear him explain what a refrigerator is, where water comes from, never mind all the electronics.
Loni is the clairvoyant that can link her to her past but for how long and who will ultimately pay the price...
This was my first Harrigan family novel and I felt I was brought up to date with the others, but not their full pasts. Loved hearing of the hen parties, too wicked fun!
Not sure if the others in the family saga deal with magic to this degree but I found it refreshing after the romance novels I've been reading.