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jbarrett5 book reviews, etc

I read a lot and post my reviews

Summer's End

Summer's End - Danielle Steel Summer's End by Dnaielle Steel
deeanna is an artist she paints beautiful pictures and many galleries want her to sign with them.
Ben is one of them and she's very comfortable with him. Mark, her husband does not approve of her passion.
She and Ben will spend the summer together as her husband is busy in Rome with his endeavors...
The story also follows Mark and his escapades overseas..When Deeanna gets a call from overseas that her daughter has been in a motorcycle accident and she's paralyzed and they don't know about her head-she hops a plane there.
Lots of sadness and attempts at reconciliations and surprises do occur.
Loved all the travel and talk of her career.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).