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jbarrett5 book reviews, etc

I read a lot and post my reviews

The Glass Wives

The Glass Wives - Amy Sue Nathan The Glass Wives by Amy Sue Nathan
This book is about a woman, Evie who's been divorced from her husband for over 3 years now and has twins: Sam and Sohpie. Her ex was now dead-Richard Glass.
Nicole has just lost her husband-Richard Glass. She abides by the Jewish traditions but she is Catholic. Her son Luca lives with her.
To help save money the 2 families live together as neither of them with his benefits can afford to live in separate houses. They have a compatibility issue but
they do tend to work things out...when claims are made they find out others apply for money as well...amazing who brings them all together...
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).