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The Christmas Quilt

The Christmas Quilt - Vannetta Chapman The Christmas Quilt, Quilts of Love Series by Vannetta Chapman
Wanted to read this book because I've read most of the other books in the series and they are so varied-kept my interest. Love the holiday and have made one quilt for Christmas that I only bring out at that time.
Pregnant Amish woman with some modern technology that helps with the medical problems that arise.
The book really concentrates on the concerns the Leah, the mother has, fears that her husband doesn't love her, etc. very hormonal. Leah goes on about her life and does the laundry and hangs it outside where it's cold.
Her friend has had a baby earlier and is attempting to find time to actually make her friends new babies a quilt with Sunbonnet Sue and Overall Sam on blocks as she's having twins. The very detailed layout, picking of right pattern, colors of the quilt are described.
And the washing due to bleeding of the colors. While at the hospital she gets some yarn and starts crocheting a blanket, yellow for either a boy or a girl baby.
Modern technology also we take for granted today=sonogram. Sad they don't believe in pictures of infants.
Love that Annie is able to tell her a story for each of the Dutch children on the quilt. Some are about her early days at the hospital, some are passages from God. There are quite a few scriptures quoted that go along with the story line.
Love the nine patch and the color sequences and I can just picture them in my mind. Thanksgiving day and the doctor pays a visit and tells them why and he has a story to share to help with the quilt making.
The stories have themes of the nine fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, etc stories of the fruits of God's spirit.
The community comes together to help pay the hospital bill and it's amazing what people can do with their hands!
Comes with a glossary of foreign words so you can follow the story, discussion questions and an excerpt from the next Quilts of Love book=Aloha Rose.
I received this book from Net Galley via Abingdon Press in exchange for my honest review.