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Basic Knitting: All the Skills and Tools You Need to Get Started (How To Basics)

Basic Knitting: All the Skills and Tools You Need to Get Started (How To Basics) - Leigh Ann Berry Basic Knitting: All the Skills and Tools You Need to Get Started (How To Basics)
As an advanced knitter I am always on the lookout to learn more about my craft-a different technique or just something new.
First section of this book is dedicated to the tools of the trade and a bit of information on how to knit. Many colorful photographs show examples of what is being explained in words.
Feel some of the pictures are better just using diagrams on the next pages as they appear to be dark.
Second section is about the patterns themselves. I find some of the instructions to be confusing. goes from continental to the English style-it's a bit much for a new knitter to comprehend.
There are also at the end a lot of appendixes with useful information.