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Texas Roads - Cathy Bryant

Texas Roads by Cathy Bryant This book starts out with other offers from the author to get another free book by subscribing to her newsletter. Starts with Dani, a school teacher and it's the anniversary date of her husband's death. She's financially set just some things you can't buy that are missing. She's on her way to her aunt's and runs out of gas, starts to rain. She's headed to Miller's Creek. Steve Miller picks her up as they head to town. He tries to cheer her up as she keeps putting her life down. She got under his skin and misunderstands he's not so forlorn as his appearance comes across as. Circumstances bring them together: he's lived at Momma Beth's ranch his whole life. Dani had called her aunt Beth for a ride... He is also the mayor but likes to help out with physical labor...I can see the firecrackers blaring from here! Love how the community welcomes her.... He has his secrets and has sworn off all women. She has sworn off all men due to her past life. God makes his way into the conversation Dani and her aunt are having and she has the right answers to sooth her often quoting from the scriptures. Like learning about the history of the town and how Steve answers questions about the town and how to improve it as he hopes to get the backers for the money the town needs... Dani wants a change, she's tired of living in the city and tells Beth of her plans... Predictable with twists along the way. Medical emergency brings her back to town and the matchmakers get busy... Love colorful detailed descriptions, would make a great movie Excerpt from the next book is included. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end. Lots of drama and mysteries and secrets. Would enjoy reading more from this author.